DataDonor - Donate your data to a good cause.Society is undergoing a digital transformation, where technology and data play an increasingly large role in our lives and everyday life. It provides new opportunities for knowledge sharing, streamlining and involvement of citizens, where in particular the use of citizens own data can become a decisive factor in health promotion and healthcare.If you have a smartphone, a lot of movement data is already collected via Apple Health and Google Fit. You now have the opportunity to donate this data via DataDonor. DataDonor makes it easy and clear for you to donate your movement data to research and development projects. By analyzing large amounts of anonymized data, researchers can discover patterns and correlations that can lead to new treatments, medicines and methods. It can also create a deeper understanding of health patterns and behaviour. It can help inform decision-makers on how best to organize health initiatives and policies. In this way, you can help raise the quality of public services.Your data – your consentTrust and transparency in relation to the use of your data is important to us. At DataDonor, we want to focus on data transparency and create openness about what data is collected about us. As a DataDonor, you are in full control of what kind of data you want to donate and to which projects. Therefore, you will be asked if you want to donate your data from project to project. Here you will be informed about the purpose of the project and which data are of interest to the project. You have the option of withdrawing your consent at any time – this applies to both the specific projects as well as the app itself.What is DataDonor?DataDonor is a project platform that aims to make it easy for researchers and clinical departments to get access to valid citizen-generated data, but at the same time not to compromise with the process in terms of how data has been collected. DataDonor also aims to strengthen the involvement of civil society, thereby ensuring democratic and responsible use of data, where citizens actively participate in shaping the health solutions of the future.DataDonor ensures that all data is donated voluntarily and with fully informed consent for the individual project. Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation, Region Southern Denmark has developed an app based on open source microservice technology and ensures that the platform meets current security standards and requirements.